Netsight User Guide


Before You Start Netsight

1)     Java JRE 1.4 required

Netsight requires Java JRE 1.4 or greater in order to run. Make sure that the java.exe file of JRE 1.4 or greater is included in your system path.

2)     Java Virtual Machine (VM) memory requirements

If you are loading large graphs in Netsight, you need to allocate sufficient memory to the Java VM. You do this by appending the flags –Xms512m and –Xmx512m to the ‘java’ command. This allocates 512 Mb of memory to the Java VM. Netsight has been tested with no problems with this amount of memory.


For more information, refer to this web site:


Starting Netsight

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. Execute the netsight.bat file by typing it in a command line or double-clicking the file name.


File Menu

1)     Open a file

a.       Click File à Open.

b.      Select a Pajek or GraphML file.

c.       Click Open.

Errors and Warnings:

a.       Invalid file extension – Error message displayed.

b.      File not found – Error message displayed.

2)     Save a file

a.       Click File à Save.

b.      Type a file name into the File Name text field.

c.       Click Save.

3)     Open a default file

a.       Click File à Open filename.

4)     Exit Netsight

a.       Click File à Exit.


b.      Click the Close icon in the Netsight window.


Graph Menu

1)     Display a graph

a.       Open a graph.

b.      Click Graph à Show Graph.

2)     Re-draw a graph

a.       Display a graph.

b.      Click Graph à Redraw.

3)     Draw graphs while traversing graph history

a.       Click the “Visualize When Traversing Graph History” check box.


Fitlers Menu

1)     Create a subgraph

a.       Click Filters à Apply Filters. The Filters List dialog window will be displayed.



b.      Click Add. The Create Filter dialog window will be displayed.



c.       To add a filter to the filters list:

Adding the K-Neighborhood Filter:

                                             i.            Select KNeighborhood Filter from the list.

                                           ii.            Select at least one vertex from the Vertex Browser on the right.

                                          iii.            Select the k-distance away from the selected node(s) that you want your subgraph to contain using the distance spinner widget.

Adding the Degree Filter:

                                             i.            Select Degree Filter from the list.

                                           ii.            Select the lower bound number of incident edges that a vertex in your subgraph can have using the Min spinner widget.

                                          iii.            Select the upper bound number of incident edges that a vertex in your subgraph can have using Max spinner widget.


Note: The lower bound cannot be greater than the upper bound.

Adding the Vertex Set Filter:

                                             i.            Select Vertex Set Filter from the list.

                                           ii.            Select at least one vertex which you do not want to be included in your subgraph from the Vertex Browser on the right.


d.      Click Add.



e.       Repeat (a) – (d) for any number of filters.

f.        Click Create Graph to draw the final filtered graph.

Errors and Warnings:

a.       If the graph you are creating has more then 250 vertices, graph drawing will be slow. You will be prompted to confirm the drawing of the graph.

2)     Calculate subgraph size

a.       Do Step (a) in Create a subgraph and then click Calculate size


Algorithms Menu

1)     Run PageRank

a.       Ensure that the graph is displayed

b.      Click Algorithms à PageRank

2)     Run PageRank with Priors

a.       Ensure that the graph is displayed

b.      Ensure that at least one vertex is selected

c.       Click Algorithms à PageRank w/Priors

Errors and Warnings:

a.       No vertex selected – Error message displayed

3)     Run S-T Betweenness

a.       Ensure the graph is displayed

b.      Ensure that only two vertices are selected

c.       Click Algorithms à S-T Betweenness

Errors and Warnings:

a.       Not exactly two vertices are selected – Error message displayed


Window Menu

1)     Hide/Display the debug dialog window

a.       Click Window à Show Debug Dialog

2)     Hide/Display the vertex viewer dialog window

a.       Click Window à Show Vertex Dialog


Netsight Toolbar

1)     Load the previous graph in the graph history

a.       Click the back arrow button in the toolbar

2)     Load the next graph in the graph history

a.       Click the forward arrow button in the toolbar

3)     Freeze the graph layout mechanism

a.       Click the Freeze button in the toolbar


Vertex Viewer

1)     Select a vertex

a.       Double-click using the left mouse button on a vertex label in the top vertex list


Double-click using the left mouse button on a vertex in the main window

2)     Deselect a vertex

a.       Double-click using the left mouse button on a selected vertex in the top vertex list


Double-click using the left mouse button on a selected vertex in the selected vertices list (the bottom list)


Double-click using the left mouse button on a selected vertex in the main window

3)     Find a vertex by label

a.       Enter the part of or the entire vertex label you want to search for in the Find Vertex text field

b.      Click on Find or hit Enter

Errors and Warnings:

a.       Vertex not found – Not found message displayed

4)     Clear selected vertices

a.       Click on the “Clear all selected vertices” button in the vertex viewer